Factcheck.kg is an independent public media outlet. Factcheck.kg fulfills its mission in the interests of society and citizens in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, including the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Mass Media”, and other legislative acts of the Kyrgyz Republic that regulate the activities of online resources as mass media and determine the rights citizens, including:
- the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Mass Media”
- the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On the protection of professional activities of a journalist”;
- Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On guarantees and freedom of access to information”;
- Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On access to information held by state bodies and local self-government bodies”;
- and other regulations.
In its activities, Factcheck.kg team adheres to and is guided by the following editorial principles:
Editorial independence and professionalism
Factcheсk.kg is an independent online resource from state, private, commercial, political, religious and other interests. The editorial board adheres to the principles of objectivity, conscientiousness, respect for the honor and dignity of the individual and respect for universal values. The main goal is to provide the audience with objective information to form a personal opinion about the events in the country, region, and the world. The editors independently determine the topic and focus. A change in government, including in an emergency, mass or other unrest, does not affect work and editorial independence.
Readers’ trust is the main task of the editorial board.
The editors and journalists of the resource do not receive monetary or other remuneration from private and state organizations, individuals. The editors do not place advertisements on the site.
The editorial office has the right to unite with other media outlets to create joint materials.
The production of materials jointly with other media outlets does not oblige the editors to be loyal to partners in the material during further work.
Truthfulness and objectivity.
The editorial staff of Factcheck.kg observes the principles of truthfulness and objectivity in preparing materials, relying solely on facts, preserving their true meaning, avoiding distortions.
The headlines of the materials should fully correspond to the content of the article, and not be taken out of context. During preparing materials concealment of important information, distortion of facts and their false interpretation are not allowed.
The editors and journalists are responsible to the readers for the content of publications, for truthful and timely informing of the audience.
Responsibility implies verification of information, accurate reproduction of information, excluding falsification of facts, unsubstantiated judgments, fiction and fabrication of materials. In case of an error, the editorial board must immediately take the necessary measures to eliminate the consequences and publish a refutation.
The editorial board does not interfere in the personal life of citizens, not being sure that this interference is motivated not by the curiosity of the common people, but by the legal right of society to receive important and socially significant information.
The editors and journalists respect the intellectual property rights and copyrights of others, do not allow plagiarism.
Transparency of information sources.
The editorial board adheres to the principle of transparency of information sources. A journalist should only report facts, origins or sources whom he knows for certain. In publications, all sources are described in detail, and also have an active hyperlink to the source. Factcheck.kg journalists always use the primary source in their materials, without resorting to secondary sources. In its work, the editors and journalists categorically do not use anonymous and dubious sources of information.
Handling complaints
In case of violation by a journalist or editorial office of professional ethical and legal norms, the editorial office and the journalist are equally liable.
Complaints and statements of persons in respect of whom ethical norms have been violated are sent to the Media Complaints Commission or are considered in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.