Administrative Code of Kyrgyzstan

According to Article 70 of the Code of Offenses of Kyrgyzstan, family violence—defined as the use of physical, psychological, or economic violence, or the threat of physical violence—is punishable by 40 hours of community service or arrest for a period of three to seven days.

Criminal Code of Kyrgyzstan

Family violence is also addressed in the Criminal Code of Kyrgyzstan. Article 177 states:
“Any deliberate actions by one family member against another family member or an equivalent individual that violate the constitutional and other rights and freedoms of the victim, cause physical or mental suffering, or harm their physical or mental development, resulting in less severe harm to health, shall be punishable by corrective labor for a term of two months to one year, community service for 40 to 100 hours, or imprisonment for up to five years.”

Law on Protection and Prevention of Family Violence

The Law “On Protection and Prevention from Family Violence,” enacted on April 27, 2017, includes the following provisions:

  • Ensuring victims of family violence the right to legal, social, medical, and psychological assistance and protection from the state.
  • Assigning specific responsibilities to state authorities for preventing and addressing family violence.
  • Measures to prevent family violence.
  • Various methods for addressing family violence.
  • Rights of individuals affected by family violence.

Family Violence Statistics in Kyrgyzstan

Global Rankings

In 2023, Kyrgyzstan ranked 95th in the Global Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Index, the lowest position among all Central Asian countries.
The WPS Index evaluates women’s status across 177 countries based on 13 indicators classified into three areas: integration (economic, social, and political), justice (formal and informal discrimination), and security (individual, community, and societal levels).

Domestic Data

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, over 13,000 cases of family violence were registered in Kyrgyzstan in 2023, a 32.6% increase compared to 2022, when 9,880 cases were recorded.

  • Homicides: In 2023, 35 criminal cases were initiated under the article “Murder,” compared to 17 cases in 2022—a twofold increase.
  • Severe Harm to Health: Cases increased from 17 in 2022 to 31 in 2023.
  • Rape: Cases rose dramatically from 10 in 2022 to 83 in 2023, an eightfold increase (or 400%).
  • Torture: Reports of torture decreased from 98 cases in 2022 to 14 in 2023.

Long-Term Trends

Over the past decade, the number of women affected by family violence has multiplied. In 2012, there were 2,341 reported victims; by 2023, this figure had grown nearly fivefold to 11,000. In contrast, the number of male victims remains below 1,000.

Meanwhile, the number of male perpetrators continues to rise. In 2023, 11,000 men committed acts of family violence, and the trend shows consistent annual growth.

Support Systems

According to the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection, and Migration, there are 18 crisis centers in Kyrgyzstan providing assistance to victims of family violence. These centers offer medical, psychological, legal, and social support and help with temporary shelter placements.

In 2022, more than 9,000 women sought help from crisis centers, elder courts (aksakal courts), and other specialized institutions due to family violence, according to the National Statistics Committee.